“From Genesis to Revelation, the bible is filled with instructions on how we can demonstrate our love for the creator by caring for his creation. He wants us to love every sparrow and every tree, just as he does.”
Dr. Matthew Sleeth
Read Dr. Sleeth’s Lifewatch 2023 Sermon
The Most Powerful Essay Matthew Has Read this Year
From Matthew: I've been speaking and writing about Sabbath rest for about two decades, but only recently did I come across this short but powerful essay by Henry Drummond, "Peace Be With You "(Pax Vobiscum). Drummond says more about God's rest in 20 short pages than I have said in 20 years. I've read this essay alone and with my wife Nancy several times in the past few weeks, and we continue to get more out of each reading. It's a lot to digest, but well worth the effort: truly life transforming.
Drummond was a Scottish writer, speaker, biologist, and evangelist (a heritage and vocations that I share!) who lived during the second half of the nineteenth century. In today's broken, anxious, chaotic world, Drummond's wisdom is needed now more than ever.
"Peace Be With You" can be found in Drummond's superb collection: The Greatest Thing in the World.